lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

My world, your world

Hello! As this is my first entree, I would like to present my blog. However, I won't publish here often nor take it as a real blog because this is a way of writing my feelings and daily struggles. Probably no one will read this and that's fine with me but if you are reading this little blog and you think you have some similar struggles, don't doubt it and comment them with me, maybe I can help or at least understand what you are going through.
I think this will be like a dairy to me, where I can truly be myself and even write somo of my "songs" here haha, although I just have lyrics :P. Also, I am a native Spanish speaker so my English is not so good. I hope I can improve my writing and my fluently too. 
Have a really nice day and I will start uploding some things in a few days. Thank you!